"Land Use Committee" Created
A new committee has been created to make land use recommendations to the Town Board, based on the adopted Comprehensive Plan.
The Chair is Walter Buist. Other members of the committee are Jim Johnson, Carol Minich, Julie Barown, Dick Paige, and Tom McCarthy.
The meetings will be held in the town barn at 6:00pm on the third Thursday of each month. The public is invited to attend.
The first meeting was held on August 16, 2007.
New documents available for download
New documents are:
CV Comprehensive Plan (2513KB);
Town of CV Survey (25KB);
Maps (1600KB)
Town Comprehensive Plan
Copies of the final version of the Town Comprehensive Plan will be available at various locations including Gates Insurance, the Health Center, Library, and the Town Clerk's office.
The Town Comprehensive Plan is also here for download in PDF. Town survey results are compiled here.
A public hearing on the plan will take place on Monday, April 30, 6 pm, at the Community Center.
Written comments will be accepted until May 9 and can be sent to Supervisor Garretson at 356 Mill Road, or TownSupervisorGarretson@cherryvalleyny.us. You can also call Mr. Garretson with your comments at 264-9045.
Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing - March 12
The Comprehensive Plan Committee will hold a Public Hearing on the final draft of the Comprehensive Plan.
The meeting has been recheduled for Monday, March 12, at the Old School Cafe, at 7:00 PM
This will be the first of at least two hearings.
A seperate hearing will be held by the Town Board.